Theory tutoring in-person for students 18 & under
In a casual setting at the square table in New Music School.
Theory Tutoring in person for 18 & under students takes place in 20-30 minutes long sessions. These sessions can be taken before or after a lesson, or anytime the table is open.
This type of lesson is designed to combine both independent learning and private instruction; students work through their books while a theory instructor is available to help them through it,
using a variety of teaching methods to enable collaboration and demonstration with the whole class.
Monday's from 4pm- 7pm
Wednesday’s from 4pm- 7pm
Thursday's from 4pm- 7pm
Saturday’s from 9:30-5pm
Sunday’s from 12pm-5pm
Students can now log on to have time with Dr. Gonzalo during his "OPEN THEORY HOURS". Think of it like an online Theory Table.
This is a great option for students who have questions on their theory homework or the piece they are working on. Dr. Gonzalo will be able to answer
questions, give instruction and create a fun atmosphere like at our table! Please have your student/s ready to go with their theory book.
How to Join
Monday through Wednesday from 4pm - 7pm
Saturday from 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm
- Join Dr. Gonzalo here.
*Please use your email address to join the class
- Email Dr. Gonzalo your completed homework for him to review.
- In the subject line of the email please put your child's name.
- Dr. Gonzalo will email back his feedback and suggestions via video or email every day and assign more work to be completed.
- Then, steps 1 - 4 will be repeated for every email you send.
Students can elect to have their theory instruction during their private lessons with their private teachers
or directly with the theory teacher. Cost for this instruction is at the rate of the private lesson teacher. Students must take a minimum
45 minute lesson to have theory included in their private study.
Adult students also have the option to take theory classes. Adult Theory will be held in a classroom or private lesson setting.